magical forest

magical forest


this is the doll that gave name to the exhibition I gave in Mx City Before I came to live to the USA.

The very first doll I made after my doll Oniria in MX. This was made in USA .

The very first doll I made after my doll Oniria in MX. This was made in USA .

Dolores Park

Dolores Park

choir of angels

choir of angels

angel Valentino/ from Under he wings of an angel. Now posted on Etsy

angel Valentino/ from Under he wings of an angel. Now posted on Etsy

Love is the way/ from my collection Under the wings of an angel" on etsy 4 sale

Love is the way/ from my collection Under the wings of an angel" on etsy 4 sale

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Belly dance

I LOVE Belly dancing!

I found Belly dance a few years ago at a GYM I used to go. I had different teachers and each one gave me something unique.

Belly dancing is a fun and passionate way of celebrating one's unique self.

Belly dancing elevates you to a state of deep Ecstasies: ecstasies with life, with movement, with your body and soul.

When I belly dance I shake away negativity, stress, even pounds. It helps me to get centered and to get in touch with my womanhood.

This is the form of dance, that I have practiced, that I like the most.

With Belly dancing nobody leads me. I find my own way through the rhythm, I am music too with my hips. I lead my own dance, my own way, my own life.

Belly dance is also an awesome work out, it helps you to tone your muscles, to sculpt your body, and helps your posture, like no other exercise.

Belly dance is about woman power, hip power.

Belly dance has helped women to bring children to this world with natural easy for both child and mom.

Belly dance has been danced to celebrate rites of passage like childhood to puberty, puberty to adulthood, marriage, etc.

I belly dance when I am happy, I belly dance when i am grieving, when i need to reconnect with myself, when I am waiting, when I am bored, when I am depressed, when I feel loved, when i feel unloved, when I am looking for answers, when i am clear, when I am not felling beautiful, when I feel beautiful, when I pray, when i am simply enjoying life, when I'm sad, when I'm happy.

Belly dancing centers me, reconnects me with the wise woman inside of me, with the goddess, with the human, with the lover and the mother and with all the aspects of myself that i need to bring into my picture at the moment.

Belly dancing is for every women in his Planet, no matter how old or young, or whole or broken, or thin or heavy, poor or rich...

Belly Dancing in a world that represses women is the ultimate act of irreverence, and is also a sacred dance.
It is a woman dance, it is happy, it allows you to express your self, your soul, your body. It is a private personal dance for no other eyes to see but yours if you choose to do so, or it could be share with others, whether is or not intended to seduce it does, its starts seducing yourself with the joy and the mystery of your own journey.

A belly dancer is not a repressed woman while she dances.

A belly dancer is a powerful being, a beautiful being, a profound and wise being.

A belly dancer is a happy being.

Happiness is a choice and an act of courage, and also can flow so freely from your heart.

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