magical forest

magical forest


this is the doll that gave name to the exhibition I gave in Mx City Before I came to live to the USA.

The very first doll I made after my doll Oniria in MX. This was made in USA .

The very first doll I made after my doll Oniria in MX. This was made in USA .

Dolores Park

Dolores Park

choir of angels

choir of angels

angel Valentino/ from Under he wings of an angel. Now posted on Etsy

angel Valentino/ from Under he wings of an angel. Now posted on Etsy

Love is the way/ from my collection Under the wings of an angel" on etsy 4 sale

Love is the way/ from my collection Under the wings of an angel" on etsy 4 sale

Monday, February 18, 2008

PS: In the bright side, I am an etsyan now, and a full time artist with no apology.

I have been divorced since January 29 2008. Although we were separated for a year, and we have not seen each other ever since, it is weird to be divorced after 12 years of being married. I guess it's kind of the same weird when you are single and loose your single-hood to marriage. The difference is that when you get married you are full of dreams and hopes, and expectations I guess with and about something and somebody else, and then you get divorce because most probably all of the above did not pass to happen or did not in an acceptable way, and then the dreams and hopes, and expectations, etc are for your new life with your own self, in this case with mine.
Divorce is a process, a very personal one for each one of us divorced people. I realize that i am grieving and i am just being the most patient i can with the whole process. I wish my ex husband the very best. Ours was not a smooth marriage but i would like to think that we did love each other very much, but could not communicate with respect and that broke the whole thing.
He hated, or he told me so, my art and my self as an artist, in fact he said I suck. Once he said, Who told you you are an artist?, YOU SUCK!
and that was the espadilla that he used the most to pick me with as if we were a bull and un matador in an arena de toros (bullfight place). Strange that I picked this metaphor, maybe because the bull is the only animal that will never back off in a fight, and the more you pick him and make him bleed, the most pissed he gets.
Some times matadores forgive the bull's life if the toro (bull) show that he is a tough cookie. I never stopped painting and creating art, I could not. I can not. But it was not relaxing to be an artist living with him. It is also laughable to think that many times I was painting I was against the clock, I would do it while he was away, as if I was cheating on him... I do not want to dwell on this, but it did happened and is a whole different thing when you are an artist and you are in a place were there is support, and praise, rather than cruel comments and actions.
The last thing I did in Mexico City, my place of origin, before i came to USA, was giving a painting exhibition in Coyoacan. That exhibition was about following your dreams, create a life outside the rat race, and appreciate the beauty around, also supported a more erotic exhibition was called Oniria, like my art doll, who was the central piece...I gave it the name Oniria, because it sound like Onirica, something that is onirico, or onirica refers to the dream land.
While married I did several stuff, but I can say that there was a main collection of angels that I called "under the wings of an angel". I sold some of those paintings, and some of them were in the main walls of two shops. Not even then my husband could get happy for me and celebrate my little successes. This unfortunately discouraged me for a long time, not from painting , but for showing my stuff.
However, because I like to take responsibility for my life. I worked internally with myself to give myself all the praise and support I want.
I do not need his encouragement or any body's for that matter any more. I LOVE my pieces and I feel proud of them. But do not get me wrong, I still like feed back, particularly when is good. I also hope people buy my stuff because I want to make may living being an artist and a writer.
Time ago I came to the conclusion that his was his opinion and he was entitled to have it, my point was and is that you do not have to be cruel when you voice out your opinions.
My ex husband is a very intelligent man, he was a musician before I met him. When I met him he was a computer engineer. He did not play often, but I heard him playing his base violin and it was awesome. He is very talented, but unfortunately he did not want to play often. He rather watched TV and drank scotch until he forgot about himself or until he could let out lots of anger.
I came to learn that in this life each one of us is ultimately responsible for our own selves and lives. This an awesome realisation because this prevents you for being a victim of somebody or something, and this is great because being a victim is not fun.
I am trying to remember this recently, because I am worried about my husband, well, my ex.
His health has improved, according with what he told me the last time we spoke, but his financial life was in the ground, and this saddens me deeply.
I want to believe that he will recognize all the power inside of him, and I trust that he will see his greatness, and his self worth, no matter what.
I wish he does something that he loves, rather than something that just pays well.
Money is important, but not to the point to enslave ourselves and not have a life.
Work should be FUN. If we spend most of the hrs. of the day working, why not in something that we are passionate about?
I am trying to set the example to my own self now.
There are so many things we said, and so many more that were not said...processing a loss so big like a marriage to somebody you love deeply, but can not have a peaceful life with is not easy, in Mexico city the people would say, no es de enchilame esta tortilla (it's not a matter to put chile (paper) to a tortilla).

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